If You've A Good Solution For Climate Change, You Could Win This $5 Million Prize

Admin 24-Nov-2016 11:41:57 Inothernews

If You've A Good Solution For Climate Change, You Could Win This $5 Million Prize

As the world grapples with potentially catastrophic global problems, including climate change, it needs to find solutions by overcoming short-term thinking, risk analysts say.

“The public and even the private sector are underestimating the risks because we are too short-sighted in our decision-making,” said Mats Andersson, a former CEO of Sweden’s largest pension fund and now head of Szombatfalvy’s foundation.


He points to continued government spending on fossil fuel subsidies, for instance, while many leaders resist efforts to put in place a carbon price and trading system that would drive richer countries to pay for their climate-changing emissions while giving poorer ones funds to develop cleanly.

Such a shift could help drive action against global warming. Instead, “we're sending the bill to our kids and grandkids, and I think that's deeply immoral”, said Andersson, who has worked on de-carbonising pension funds.


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