Kerala Got It Right. This Is Why The Indian State Truly Deserves The Title Of God’s Own Country

Admin 09-Apr-2016 14:13:51 Inothernews

Kerala Got It Right. This Is Why The Indian State Truly Deserves The Title Of God’s Own Country

This is what Kerala looks like. Are you impressed? Tolkien may as well have written this up. Is it any surprise that Kerala is given the moniker God's Own Country? But the state is not just about its lush green beauty and tranquil waters, in fact it delves deeper into more serious things like social welfare, progressive ideas, all made better by great food.

Everyone in this state can read and write but they (are) all Left!

So it comes as no surprise that a state like Kerala with it's rich history would be the first state to reach one hundred percent literacy in primary education. To put it another way, it translates economically into one of the highest ratios of employable to non-employable individuals. In fact, there are reading rooms across Kerala where you will find anyone and everyone.

And if you've never heard of Kerala's political satire, then you've missed out on something good. Something really good. The best part is that unlike the rest of India, politicians actually encourage and participate in the humour.


There's no difference between the men and women of Kerala.

Even in terms of gender equality, Kerala far outstrips the rest of India as one of the only two states where the number of women outnumber the men. But that means nothing if their position is the same, right? Except that Kerala boasts of an almost equal rate of literacy between men and women.


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