Kujira Carbon Steel Knives Mimic the Form of Five Different Whales

Admin 13-Jul-2015 12:32:55 Inothernews

Kujira Carbon Steel Knives Mimic the Form of Five Different Whales

Designed by blacksmith Toru Yamashita in Japan’s Kochi-prefecture, these high carbon steel knives are designed in the form of five different whales, the blades forming the baleen mouth of each species. The Kujira blades were originally made for children as a tool for sharpening pencils or cutting paper, but have since been marketed abroad as a general purpose utility or chef knife. At about $55 each the knives aren’t cheap, but it appears the whale shape is strangely perfect for small hands and with the right care they would probably last a lifetime. The knives are sometimes available through Hand-Eye Supply (currently sold out), but it looks like a few are sold by Yoshihiro Cutlery on Amazon. Source: image


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