Meet The 65-Year-Old Who Is The Woman Behind The Voice Of iPhone’s Siri

Admin 23-Oct-2015 11:50:57 Inothernews

Meet The 65-Year-Old Who Is The Woman Behind The Voice Of iPhone’s Siri

Siri, the strangely calming 'intelligent personal assistant' by Apple, has a pretty distinctive voice. The program slowly conditions itself to your personal choices based on your individual searches and language, and can answer questions, perform actions and delegate requests, which is all pretty neat. Most people use it to just play around though, usually indulging in mindless explicit banter and never really attributing a face to the voice.

After being picked for this as-yet untitled project, Susan spent the entire month of July 2005 recording phrases and sentences which were then concatenated, or joined by character, into the various words, sentences, and paragraphs used in the Siri voice. Susan only became aware that she was the voice of Siri when a friend told her about it in October 2011.


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