Scientists In UK Have Made A TV That Let’s You Taste, Touch And Feel What You’re Seeing

Admin 11-Feb-2016 10:37:06 Inothernews

Scientists In UK Have Made A TV That Let’s You Taste, Touch And Feel What You’re Seeing

In 1896, when the Lumiere brothers screened a scene of a moving train to an audience who had never seen motion picture before, most of them panicked and some even tried to run away from the theater thinking the train might crash into them. It’s been a long way since then and today, it takes a lot more than just moving images to thrill the average audience. When even flat screens, high definition images and surround sounds were not enough, scientists decided that it’s time for yet another revolution in the history of television viewing. They’re making television which runs programs you can smell, touch and even taste – Freelyvision.

The technology creates a set of feelings by applying air in bursts or slow movements to stimulate the palms of the viewers.

They’re in progress to create a sense of smell, touch along with five tastes – bitter, sweet. sour and umami. The idea is to evoke emotions in audience as well as make them feel that they’re touching the objects shown on the screen. Therefore, if you’re enjoying a scene with rainfall, you can feel the raindrops on your skin even though, there will not be any actual water involved.

However, Obrist is cautious of the fact that even though the idea is to ignite emotions in audience, they should have the control of how enhanced their viewing experience is going to be so that it doesn’t get creepy.


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