Things In The Game Of Thrones TV Series That Happen Differently In The Books

Admin 20-Jun-2015 13:38:42 Inothernews

Things In The Game Of Thrones TV Series That Happen Differently In The Books

George R R Martin, thou art a son of a bitch. Yeah, I'm sure I speak for all GoT fans across the globe. You've created this myriad of characters who we fall for, and who we find despicable. And yet, you come up with these untimely deaths. David Benioff and D.B.Weiss have come up with the most brilliant adaptation for TV. However, they've meandered along the source material, streamlining it for the audience making changes here and there, trying to simplify the complexity of the novels, and still maintaining the shock-value of the original works. Here are 15 big differences between the books and the TV series:

5. The relationship of Loras and Renly is implied in the books. The TV series states it more expressly with that 'shaving scene'.

Source: gay-scenes


6. Catelyn Stark is less likeable on TV. She never resented Jon like they show us in that first season, much less would she wish pox on baby Jon.

Source: gamesradar


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