Why Fall In Love When We Can Just Have Sex? It’s So Much Easier

Admin 01-Feb-2016 11:22:09 Inothernews

Why Fall In Love When We Can Just Have Sex? It’s So Much Easier

It was all about the secret meetings, the stolen kisses, the sweet nothings. The making out sessions were steamy, fierce, spontaneous. The butterflies in our stomachs would always flutter when we looked into our lovers' eyes. Our thirst to love and to be loved would never quench. When we first loved, we believed in our hearts that it was meant to be. But then, tragedy befell us. People changed. They left. They decided that maybe, just maybe, we weren't enough. Whatever happened obviously broke us, scarred us and we swore to ourselves that we would never love again. Our generation has always seen love and sex together. Our parents fell in love before or after marriage, and that's also when they first had sex. And so, our generation has always seen sex as an extension of the love two people have for each other, a consummating act to prove where our loyalties lie.


No matter how much you try, you never open yourself to be hurt again. Because hurting sucks! Sex on the other hand comes easy. It's easy to be consumed with the feeling of someone inside you and around you. It doesn't matter if they love you because in that moment you let go. However, it never fills the void you have.



Have you ever felt this? The more sex you have with no strings attached, the more devoid of emotions you become. Each time you sleep with a new person, you feel like you're growing less human. After the deed is done, there's no warmth, you just flip to the other side and fall asleep. There's nothing that holds you to that person.


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