You Won’t Believe NASA Actually Paid This Man $18,000 To Lie In Bed For 70 Days!

Admin 28-Sep-2015 11:26:21 Inothernews

You Won’t Believe NASA Actually Paid This Man $18,000 To Lie In Bed For 70 Days!

Fancy a job doing absolutely nothing? Meet Drew Iwanicki, who, last year, was a part of a NASA study that paid him $18,000 to lie down in bed for 70 days straight. You read that right. All Iwanicki had to do for 70 days was lie down. The study, titled CFT 70 (Countermeasure and Functional Testing in Head-Down Tilt Bed Rest Study), aimed to learn more about how human bone and muscle might deteriorate in space.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Iwanicki also had to follow a strict sleeping schedule.

He explained, “I was on a regimented sleep schedule. Lights out at 10 p.m., lights on at 6 a.m. No napping allowed during the day, which is one of the cruelest jokes about being stuck in bed all day, not being able to nap.”

To pass the time, Iwanicki read books, studied, played online games and went on the internet.


On December 2, 2014, the study finally ended and Iwanicki was able to stand for the first time in 70 days.

Since the study ended, Iwanicki has been bitten by the research study bug and continues to find and participate in paid research studies.


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