12 Of The Most Ridiculous Political Promises Ever Made

Admin 20-Mar-2016 12:47:47 Inothernews

12 Of The Most Ridiculous Political Promises Ever Made

If you've been keeping up with the election, your faith in humanity is probably long gone by now. And mine is, too. It flew right out the window and told me it's never coming back, so see you never, hopes and dreams. While this batch of politicians is blessed with a unique brand of crazy, political weirdos have been spewing absolute nonsense since humans started governing themselves. In honor of campaign season, let's take a look at some of the most bizarre promises that professional crazy people have ever made. (And you know we'll get to you, Donald.) Queen of Ridiculousness Sarah Palin promised to be "more rogue" the next time she ran for president, presumably in an effort to use her favorite word again. She was so rogue, in fact, that she didn't run at all.

While George Dubya doesn't exactly have a ton of fans, Dennis Kucinich's vow to have him arrested back in 2008 was a bit excessive.


Rick Santorum further embarrassed my home state by declaring a war on porn, because focusing on actual issues is stupid. He specifically wanted to ban hard-core porn, because porn of the soft-core variety is evidently A-okay in his book!


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