15 The reason why Some sort of Sibling Is the best Thing Which could Afflict A girl.

Admin 05-Jan-2015 10:56:04 Inothernews

15 The reason why Some sort of Sibling Is the best Thing Which could Afflict A girl.

As Charlotte Gray said, "You can kid the world, but not your sister." Not only does she know you inside out, she's also been your backbone through ups and downs in your life. She is as much fun as she is mature, and is the best gift your parents can ever give you.

1. She is both your shadow and your reflection.

She always has your back and you look up to her.


2. She saves you from your parents' daant.

You have lost count of the number of times she has saved your ass at home. Over the years, a lot of things have changed but she continues to watch your back.


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