Father And His Four Sons Make The Cutest Mothers Day Gift It is So Unique

Admin 27-May-2016 17:34:33 Inothernews

Mother's Day has come and gone, but this thoughtful gift from four adorable Icelandic boys will surely last a lifetime. Gísli is an orthodontist and a father of four, so when Mother's Day rolled around this year, he decided to combine two of his great loves into one epic gift for his wife. He filled a bucket with impression material that is most often used for creating molds of teeth and had his sons dip their hands in it. After 10 minutes of them all keeping as still as possible (the youngest did surprisingly well at staying patient), they removed their hands and were left with a mold. Gísli poured a stone mixture into it...when you see the end result, you'll be amazed! This is hands down the most unique and creative Mother's Day gift I've ever seen...or is it hands up?

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