10 Explanations why Good Aliens Check out Bollywood Although Bad Ones Visit Hollywood.

Admin 12-Jan-2015 11:28:19 Inothernews

10 Explanations why Good Aliens Check out Bollywood Although Bad Ones Visit Hollywood.

What would've happened if Jadoo had gone rogue in Koi Mil Gaya and thrived on human blood rather than dhoop? How would PK have turned out if he had attacked all the inhabitants of earth and taken them captive to his own gola? Too Hollywoodish, right? So why is it that only good aliens get an economy ticket to India while the bad-ass aliens get super-sonic, ultra-advanced space-warships to emerge straight over the Statue of Liberty?

1. Lack of Superheroes in India

Hollywood has Superman, Batman, Iron man, Captain America and now even an Ant Man. What do we have? Just Krrish (who by the way got his powers from an alien). Hence only good aliens for Bollywood.


2. Song-and-dance sequences

Bad aliens would feel so out of place with all the song-dance routine of Bollywood. Running around trees is best left to good aliens like PK and Jadoo!


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