This coming year, 94% Associated with Pickpockets Around the Delhi Town you live Were Girls. Allow me to share 10 Methods to Beat Your Robbers!

Admin 31-Dec-2014 13:00:23 Inothernews

This coming year, 94% Associated with Pickpockets Around the Delhi Town you live Were Girls. Allow me to share 10 Methods to Beat Your Robbers!

Last year, out of a total of 466 pickpockets caught across various stations of the Delhi metro, 421 were women. Do the math, and that's a staggering 94% of pickpockets, operating on the metro network. The numbers compiled by the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) for this year report that nothing has really changed, with a total of 293 women pickpockets nabbed in comparison to only 22 men. You know what this means, right? Among other things, our beloved ladies' compartment is, now, a high-risk zone. According to Hindustan Times, you'd never suspect any of the apprehended female pickpockets of any kind of ill-intention. "...In most cases it was found that the women who were apprehended after the act of stealing were the least doubtful,” a senior official said. Oops. Given that these pesky pickpockets are always a step ahead, what can we do to make sure our keemti samaan stays safe? Here are 10 ideas that are fool-proof ways to keep them pickpockets away!

5. Always touch up in the metro. Your mirror is your best friend and the eyes on the back of your head.

Beware of pickpockets standing directly in front of you!


6. Lipstick Stun Guns! Yes, they're a thing. Not only will they prove super effective in warding away pickpockets, they come in four colours.


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