Shit People Who Live Far From Work Go Through

Admin 28-Jul-2014 13:12:26 Inothernews

 Shit People Who Live Far From Work Go Through

Not everyone's lucky to work at a place that's just a stone's throw away from your home. Forget that, not even a place that's 30 minutes from home. Some of us, in our race to earn a living, end up in offices that are miles away from our precious home. On the outside it might not seem like much but oh does it matter or what! Our entire lives are turned upside down when we're given a fate like this. Here's a list of Shit People Who Live Far Away From They Work Go Through.

Your nights in bed are all about plotting and planning the schedule for next day in your head.


Say goodbye to any side interest you have like writing, watching movies or pretty much anything else.


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