10 Arrangements We Make When Were Drinking With Companions

Admin 18-Nov-2014 10:48:18 Inothernews

10 Arrangements We Make When Were Drinking With Companions

It's a known fact that we're at our creative best when we're drinking with friends. A few pegs down, we make all sorts of plans from starting our own business together to travelling the globe. It doesn't matter if we get around to fulfilling them, the important part is to make these plans.

5. "Forget Goa! Let's go abroad!"

The more pegs we have, the more ambitious our plans get. Amsterdam, Thailand and Bangkok get mentioned in these plans!


6. "You know what, let's book tickets right away and leave now!"

Obviously, we just keep talking and don't book any tickets. 2 hours later, we'll all have passed out right where we are!


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