10 Things Every Woman Must Learn Before Marriage

Admin 15-Oct-2014 11:49:19 Inothernews

10 Things Every Woman Must Learn Before Marriage

It might be 2014 but when it comes to marriage, a woman still lives in the 1950s. Utter the word wedding and pictures of a family, cooking, cleaning float before our eyes. But, no, it isn't cooking or cleaning. Nor is it about nodding your head and pleasing your MIL. A marriage is a union, a partnership between two people and the responsibility is not always his or hers, but shared. There are many things a modern man needs to do to ensure the union is equal. But then, there are certain things every woman must learn and understand before getting married, too. What exactly are they? Read on...

7. Sex Can be Fun

Women in India, especially those who're not from urban areas, still treat sex as a duty. Women need to realise that sex can be fun and pleasurable too. It is not always about the man. Opening up to your husband and sharing what you like will make the experience enjoyable for both. Try understanding sex and different ways of enjoying. Read up on it, share your worries and apprehensions with your husband and it might help you make the supposed drudgery fun. If you're not comfortable with something your husband is doing or you are simply too exhausted, try telling it to him. Also, try initiating it or taking the first step sometimes. We promise you, your partner will more than appreciate it!

Apart from knowing sex can be pleasurable, you also need to know your contraceptives. Condoms and pills are not the only contraceptive methods available. There are a lot more options and if you know about them, safe sex and fun combined can definitely spice up your married life.


8. Your Parents Still Need You

You might be married off and living separately but that does not mean you forget your parents. You're entering a completely new world but your parents are going to miss you being around the house too. The initial days are the most difficult for both and while you have to manage your new relations and make new friends, don't forget your old family. If you're the only daughter, it is an added responsibility on your shoulders as you now have to juggle between two families. Be there for your parents when they need you. Surprise them with random visits. Call your mother atleast once every two days. Just because you're married, it does not mean you aren't your daddy's little princess anymore.


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