12 Little Ways to Enjoy The Monsoons

Admin 11-Aug-2014 15:30:20 Inothernews

12 Little Ways to Enjoy The Monsoons

Your plans get canned due to the rains and matches get rescheduled. Rain woes are many, but in no way do they match up to the abundance of joy and beauty they fill our lives with. The pitter-patter walks nimbly straight into the heart. It is difficult to explain in words the kind of exhilarating joy the rains bring. But you'll discover it for yourself in these simple little ways:

Spot a rainbow

As a child, you thought rainbows were magical. As you grew up, science rejected that notion. But even today, looking at one leaves you mesmerized. Now isn't that magical?


Read poems by Rumi and Neruda

There's something about the monsoons that fills the air with romance. The path to your heart opens wider, heightening your ability to appreciate poetry and beautiful things.


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