12 Reasons Why Your Brother Will Always Be Your Best Friend

Admin 01-Aug-2014 11:25:41 Inothernews

12 Reasons Why Your Brother Will Always Be Your Best Friend

“I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three”– Anonymous The first superhero we believe in, a brother is the epitome of perfection. From being totally crazy one moment, to being the responsible one the other, he is literally all types of awesomeness rolled into one. From sharing the crazy things we do, to taking advice whenever needed, he is a blessing in one’s life. Here are 12 reasons why your brother is and will always remain your first best friend.

He gets you (sometimes awful) gifts. (But he still tries!)

No matter how hard it is for him to get that perfect gift for you, he still tries. You have saved all the things that he gave you – from that T-shirt, to the jewellery, like a treasure trove.


He saves you from trouble. Every single time!

He is the one who comes to your rescue whenever you are in trouble. It’s almost like he has magical powers as he, somehow, always knows when you get into trouble.


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