14 Adventures Before You Bid farewell to 2014.

Admin 03-Dec-2014 18:00:35 Inothernews

14 Adventures Before You Bid farewell to 2014.

As the year comes to an end, you'll be surrounded by suggestions about new year resolutions-How to make them, How not to break them and the likes. Before you embark on a new journey in a new year, it's important to take time to reflect upon the past year, count your blessings or just be. To wrap up the year you could:

5. Sort Your Wardrobe And Get Rid Of Clothes You Don't Need

You bought a pair of denims last year and have never worn it. You might have outgrown it or the denims might have outgrown you or it just might not be the right blue for you. Pack time for such clothes.Share them with someone who needs those clothes and make more space in your wardrobe for shopping in the new year.


6. Give Back To People You Keep Taking From

From your grandmother who keeps lending you ten rupees every now and then, to your extra sweet boss. From your watchman who keeps up all night and brings you the newspaper in the morning before he tucks himself in to your colleagues who have always had your back. Everyone you thought you need to do something special for, do it now before the year ends. Smile and thank them again if nothing else.


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