14 Adventures Before You Bid farewell to 2014.

Admin 03-Dec-2014 18:00:35 Inothernews

14 Adventures Before You Bid farewell to 2014.

As the year comes to an end, you'll be surrounded by suggestions about new year resolutions-How to make them, How not to break them and the likes. Before you embark on a new journey in a new year, it's important to take time to reflect upon the past year, count your blessings or just be. To wrap up the year you could:

3. Finish Watching That Series You Always Wanted To

Your friends kept talking about these characters from this particular TV series and you felt terribly left out. You borrowed the entire series and watched the first few episodes religiously. Then, life happened. Its time you finished watching the series. You bet there'll be more the coming year.


4. Take Time Out To Catch Up With Your Buddies

They are the ones who've stood by you for all these years. You talk to them over the phone almost every day and you all make plans to meet every week. But it never happens. Before the New Year comes knocking on your door, make it a priority to catch up with your buddies. No work/family/life excuses for anyone this time of the year!


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