5 Common Foods With Nasty Ingredients; And You Thought Maggi Was Bad!?

Admin 21-May-2015 17:56:53 Inothernews

5 Common Foods With Nasty Ingredients; And You Thought Maggi Was Bad!?

We are what we eat. But if the recent brouhaha over Maggi noodles has proven anything, it's that we probably have no idea what we're eating. In an effort to educate, here are five foods that may have nasty ingredients that you wouldn't know of, yet.

3. Beer

What you think you’re drinking- barley, yeast and water, fermented to perfection into a refreshing alcoholic beverage.

What you’re really drinking- barley, yeast and water, fermented to perfection into a refreshing alcoholic beverage ... with some, surprise surprise! Your beer may also include monosodium glutamate, or MSG, which has effects similar to aspartame. Other additives may include isinglass (made from dried fish bladder) and insect-based dyes. Refreshing, no?


5. Rhubarb

What you think you’re eating- calcium, vitamin A, C and K, and a lot of antioxidants - all that good stuff, packaged into that yummy tart, pudding or jam.

What you’re really eating- poison. More specifically, oxalic acid - the same thing that’s rubbed onto marble sculptures to give it a shine. Oxalic acid is also commonly used as a cleaning and bleaching agent, as well as a rust remover.

So, how do you stay safe? Make sure NEVER to consume rhubarb with its leaves. The stalk, as such, is not harmful.


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