8 Reasons Why You Should Have A Punjabi Friend In College

Admin 22-Oct-2014 15:48:31 Inothernews

8 Reasons Why You Should Have A Punjabi Friend In College

Aha Punjabi..!! Just as one listens to the word, the smell of butter chicken, the punch of liquor and the sound of dhol beats transport you to the rich lands of Punjab. If you are studying anywhere in the world and you have a Punjabi friend by your side, the time you’ll spend with him or her is going to be full of colours and joy. And if you ask WHY, here’s the answer to this question.

4. Never-Say-Die Attitude

Feeling low, feel like a loser; have lost a competition or a negative thought is pulling you back? All these tensions will fly away with just a call to your Punjabi friend. Your Punjabi friend will pump up your spirit, bring you back on track, offer you some rocking GYAAN and make you realise that life is not about being gloomy, it’s all about enjoying and living in the moment.


3. The King of Jugad

Punjabis are very natural at this, finding jugads for everything is their usual time pass. If something is not working, they have a jugad to fix it. If the director of your college is not signing your application, your Punjabi friend will be having a jugad for that too. There is a long queue and it’s the last day to pay your fees, there will be an easy back door jugad ready for you if you have a Punjabi friend.


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