8 Ways A Theist Can Never Understand An Atheist

Admin 30-Sep-2014 12:16:26 Inothernews

8 Ways A Theist Can Never Understand An Atheist

Humans have worshipped Gods for thousands of years. The Gods may be men or women with supernatural powers or just natural things like sea, river, tree or even mountains and hills. People have found a way of connecting and building relationships with these Gods. Gradually they started seeking help from Gods for the crisis in their lives. Later, the blind beliefs of people were replaced with religions which came with rules and regulations regarding everyday life. They firmly believed in their creator and maker of the world, who kept everything moving in balance. How would the world exist so perfectly without someone to take care of the happenings? Believers cannot understand how the world would function like a well oiled machine without anyone to guide it. Hence, they have trouble understanding the atheists who refuse to believe in the existence of any deity. Lets us have a look at the 8 ways in which a theist can never understand an atheist.

4. Why Invite Stress?

It has been scientifically proven that people who believe in God or deities suffer less anxiety and stress than their non-believing counterparts. Hence, don’t the atheists need to follow the easy path to stress reduction than to visit shrinks? Belief in God correlates not only to reports of improved mental health among the believers, but also better physical health compared to nonbelievers. What benefits does atheism brings to its followers?


3. Why God Needs to Prove Himself?

Atheists have argued if there is God, why does he not give proof to his existence? The theists find this quite humorous as why would God be bothered to give proof of his existence to some section of people. God is not bothered whether people believe he exists or not. Theists have felt his love and presence in their life, hence they accept his presence.


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