Any Poetry In regards to the Loss Your Periods. | Pikspost

Any Poetry In regards to the Loss Your Periods.

Admin 07-Feb-2015 10:01:47 Inothernews

Any Poetry In regards to the Loss Your Periods.

The tragedy of our times is not that we are lonely. The tragedy is that we’re surrounded by friends and still feel alone. We are all pariahs. Banished from each other.


The tragedy of our times is not that we are arrogant.

The tragedy is that we let our hearts think for our minds and our minds feel for our hearts.

We grow old. But we never grow up.



The tragedy of our times isn’t that we have forgotten how to love.

The tragedy is that we have raised in our hearts barriers to love.

A love that we only comprehend once the person we loved is gone.

And by then it is too late.


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