Did You Know There is A Secretive Underground Society That Lives In The Catacombs Of Paris

Admin 10-Apr-2016 10:42:09 Inothernews

Did You Know There is A Secretive Underground Society That Lives In The Catacombs Of Paris

Secret societies have always been part of conspiracy theories and widely recognized as myths. In fact, few of these really exist for lack of any reasonable evidence. But it was only recently that evidence hinting to a supposedly still functioning underground society was said to have been discovered in the Parisian catacombs. Here's what Paris's police found during a visit to the catacombs... Paris's catacombs are a large trail network of former mining tunnels. What are now the catacombs of Paris used to be a long network of mines for limestone quarries from as far back as the 13th century. Toward the 17th century, Paris began facing a huge problem with its burial system to the point where the city was overflowing with bodies. At which point, it was considered best to relocate the remains of about 6 million people to the underground tunnel system, which now serve as the catacombs.

Later, a secretive group of explorers anonymously admitted to being responsible.

The faction called itself the Mexican Consolidated Drilling Authority, and admitted to RTL Radio of organising art events within the vast tunnel network. Sources also indicate of the group's involvement in bettering and improving run-down parts of the city, using secret entries and exits laid across the city. And they have been doing this for the last 40 years.

The group is extremely secretive and quiet about their whereabouts and operations, but definitely one of the more famous and revered. Certain reports, and stories spread through word of mouth, have pointed toward their activity, but a large part of their functioning remains unknown.

What can we say about artists, really?


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