He Grew Up On Mumbai`s Streets, Now He`s An Entrepreneur Who`s Doing His Bit For Homeless Kids

Admin 20-Aug-2016 13:58:36 Inothernews

He Grew Up On Mumbai`s Streets, Now He`s An Entrepreneur Who`s Doing His Bit For Homeless Kids

At first glance the Bombay to Barcelona Library Cafe seems like any other. That is, until you hear its story, you'll be overwhelmed. This cafe near Mumbai International Airport is a gift from a former street child to the children suffering from the same misfortune.

After leaving the NGO, Amin started distributing newspapers for a living. The young guy was a quick learner and soon, he started his own newspaper business. At this time Father Placie from Sneha Sadan called him to his office and told him to work for Eustace Fernandes, the creator of the Amul moppet and a director on the board of Radeus Advertising. Amin was hesitant on being a man Friday for someone but this decision changed his life completely.


Eustace helped Amin a lot on his way forward. Amin learnt English staying with him, became friends with Eustace's friends and also got his help in setting up his one-man-travel company, Sneha Travels.

In December 2002, Eustace asked Amin what he wanted for Christmas. After putting a lot of thought in the decision, Amin decided he wanted to join him in his next trip to Barcelona. Eustace refused straightaway but finally decided to take him along.


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