Indias 15 Most Unsafe Excursion Ends of the line

Admin 25-Nov-2014 17:25:37 Inothernews

Indias 15 Most Unsafe Excursion Ends of the line

India is a melting pot of experiences and cultures, a quality that also bleeds out onto our everyday lives and what we do. Obviously, with all the craziness and fervour in our country, our surroundings had to reflect the people we are. Some of these places are man made, some have been naturally around since time immemorial, but all of them are guaranteed to give you a thrill. Presenting, the most dangerous spots in India.

7. Pamban Bridge - The most dangerous sea bridge

This route that connects Rameshwaram to central India is actually a train route over the sea! If that wasn't amazing enough however, it also has a mechanism that allows ships to pass underneath, at one time requiring 12 people to manually pull levers that change the ascent. This bridge is also a 100 years old, making it that much more deadly.



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