Women In Daily Soaps: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Admin 03-Sep-2014 10:35:13 Inothernews

Women In Daily Soaps: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

With the rapid growth of television networks, viewership has increased manifold. This has given rise to a number of daily soaps, 'serials' as we call them. They revolve around various themes, like love, family and marriage. They often touch upon various women's issues. From teenagers to grandmothers, the entertaining story-lines of these serials have got the audience hooked on to them. Watching them have become a part of our daily lives.

Just as we start feeling pitiable about the aforementioned struggles in a woman's life, let me state a fact. There is a lot more to 'women's issues' than petty family squabbles, conspiring against other women, fighting with mother-in-laws and competing for love. There are many serious issues faced by us, like molestation, domestic violence, power struggle, inequality and discrimination. The real life of a woman is no less than an adventure where she juggles between her family and work, while also looking after herself. These are the important issues our serials need to focus on, rather than the saas-bahu relationship and undermining the real time problems faced by Indian women.


Changing Times

However, amidst all this we can also see a wave of change in our daily soaps with more progressive and self-assured women, ready to take the world. These serials are being praised for displaying a realistic image of modern India and its women. The new Indian woman tackles things independently, without her husband's/brother's/father's help. An example of such a woman is Anandi from Balika Vadhu. She faces obstacles like child marriage and an oppressive society, and yet she isn't a mute doll without a backbone .


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