15 Everyday Points People Didn’t Understand Are usually Slowly Killing You

Admin 30-Dec-2014 07:19:04 Inothernews

15 Everyday Points People Didn’t Understand Are usually Slowly Killing You

In this age of fast living and little thinking, most of us forget to read the fine print, be it on medicines, food or even opinions. Certain things have become such an everyday aspect of our lives that it might come as a shock that they are actually the deadliest things around. Hiding behind their innocence is the radiation excessive microwave and a host of other things that are slowly contributing to your demise. Check it out and stay informed!

1. White bread

White bread, along with pastas and anything with enriched wheat flour can lead to spikes in blood pressure. Over time, you can develop type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and conditions like arthritis. Why is all the good stuff always bad!?


2. Cucumber

The bitterness in cucumbers is caused by potentially toxic compounds referred to as Cucurbitacins. By cutting off the ends of the cucumber you significantly reduce the likelihood of getting the cucurbitacins to contaminate the rest of the cucumber but leaving it on there can lead to all kinds of stomach worms and illnesses.


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