8 Reasons Why You Should Date a Guy Who Drinks Old Monk

Admin 18-Oct-2014 11:44:43 Inothernews

8 Reasons Why You Should Date a Guy Who Drinks Old Monk

Girls, date a man who drinks old monk. Date a man who is a saint at heart and can handle himself well when he is drunk. And that’s not everything about him. There’s a whole lot more to this man the people around him call ‘gem of a person.’

5. He Adjusts to All Tastes, Just as His Old Monk Does

Don’t worry about him having to adjust to your friends circle.

He does not judge. And he also does not change himself to please others. He just believes in making those around him feel at ease.

Your friends, family members and even people at work will all just start liking him the moment they meet him.

You know, his favorite drink, Old Monk too is earnestly willing to Evolve to tickle your, and your friends’ taste buds.

Whether your friends are auto drivers or CEOs at MNCs, he is going to treat them all the same.


6. Bad Days, Common Cold or a Bad Premonition; He Knows How to Comfort Himself

He knows how to deal with common cold, a bad vibe and those frequent bad days at work.

He will just have a glass of Old Monk rum, ring you up and transmute his heavy head into a soothingly calm sphere of divine energy emanating the good aura. He knows that he has got a lot to be grateful for in his life. That includes the girl he is not ashamed of running to for love, care and at times, the bittersweet scolds.

He is crazy about his girl just as much as his pet rum. To him, both imply true happiness.


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