Did you know that Only 3 Individuals Are Provided The biggest Rankings Within the Native indian Military?

Admin 24-Feb-2016 17:31:15 Inothernews

Did you know that Only 3 Individuals Are Provided The biggest Rankings Within the Native indian Military?

From a Sepoy to a Marshal, the Indian defence forces are served by millions of bravehearts, serving in different capacities. Their sacrifices and bravery cannot be compensated but it can be recognised. As the state rightfully does. You'd know that officers serve in different capacities in our armed forces. But do you know that there are three ranks across the forces that are seldom conferred? These prestigious ranks are next to impossible to attain, yet are the highest attainable ranks. Only a handful of officers have ever received it.

This Five Star rank has been conferred on only one individual till now - Arjan Singh, DFC. With the death of Sam Manekshaw, he is currently the only living defence officer of a five-starred rank in the country.

India is also the only Commonwealth country, besides England, to have conferred this ceremonial rank to an air officer.

Indian Navy - Admiral of the Fleet

Equivalent of the Army's Field Marshal and the Air Force's Marshal of the Indian Air Force, Admiral of the Fleet is the highest attainable rank in the naval force. This Five Star rank is primarily conferred in wartime and honourary capacity.


This rank has never been conferred on any individual in the country.

The highest rank is the Chief of the Naval Staff, the office of which is currently being served by Admiral Robin K Dhowan.

Because they are worth every bit of it.


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