10 Morning Routines Of Highly Successful Women

Admin 09-Mar-2016 12:17:31 Inothernews

10 Morning Routines Of Highly Successful Women

A morning routine can determine how your entire day will turn out to be. That is why people who are focused on making their day productive make it a point to make their mornings as positive and productive as the rest of the day. Keeping this in mind, these successful people have a literal good morning, and thus have a very good mindset to take the challenges of the day headon. Ariana Huffington meditates for 30minutes every morning. But unlike other workaholic entrepreneurs, she loves to get her 8 hours of sleep every night. She also loves to practice yoga in the mornings and makes it a point to stay away from her smartphone during this time.

Jennifer Aniston wakes up at 8 am every day and cuddles with her dogs.

There can be no better morning than cuddling with three dogs, and Jennifer Aniston does just that. She then makes a very healthy breakfast with the eggs that are laid by the chicken she rears in her backyard.

She then does a 90-minute workout followed by a sauna bath and then goes to work. A very productive morning indeed.


Oprah Winfrey starts her daily morning with meditation.

She spends 20 minutes every morning after she wakes up with meditation that helps her clear her head. After that, she heads to the gym for the daily exercise that is aimed at keeping her energy levels up throughout the day.

Only after this she has a very nutritious meal and then goes straight to work.


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