15 Everyday Points People Didn’t Understand Are usually Slowly Killing You

Admin 30-Dec-2014 07:19:04 Inothernews

15 Everyday Points People Didn’t Understand Are usually Slowly Killing You

In this age of fast living and little thinking, most of us forget to read the fine print, be it on medicines, food or even opinions. Certain things have become such an everyday aspect of our lives that it might come as a shock that they are actually the deadliest things around. Hiding behind their innocence is the radiation excessive microwave and a host of other things that are slowly contributing to your demise. Check it out and stay informed!

5. Kitchen counters

Apparently, granite counter tops emit higher than average levels of radon. Radon emissions have a grim history closely related with cancer - not pleasant. Don't fret though, the level of emission is low enough that it would take more than a hundred years to kill you. So it's actually like the slowest death possible.


6. Fizzy drinks

Soft drinks contain all kinds of artificial food dyes and preservatives like BVO (brominated vegetable oil). It's also bad for your weight, your teeth, your skin, even your blood glucose(What the heck is that!). They should call it the fizz of death


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