7 Historically Dubious Speeches Which were By no means Spoken.

Admin 19-Feb-2016 12:24:14 Inothernews

7 Historically Dubious Speeches Which were By no means Spoken.

Little did we know, that in most of the instances, most of our leaders make speeches keeping in mind multiple outcomes. So, for example, if you are a coach of your school cricket team, you are going to prepare two speeches – one, if you win, and another if you lose. Many such speeches have been made, but very few of them have been declassified because in many situations they can be embarrassing too. But some of them show incredible courage too. Take a look. The speech America kept ready if their moon mission failed and astronauts would be stranded on Moon. Remember how the movie The Martian ended? The astronaut was rescued and brought back to earth. So good of NASA and the American government to do that. The same cannot be said of the Nixon administration that was present during the first mission to the moon. Back then, president Nixon had a speech ready, if somehow the American astronauts didn’t make it back from the moon; or in short, if they were stranded there. There would be no dramatic rescue mission, only a sad speech declaring that the two astronauts gave up their life for space exploration.

American president Eisenhower made speeches about a full-scale nuclear war too

Just like the queen of England, president Eisenhower also recorded a lot of public announcements that cautioned the American population about an impending nuclear war.

And since it was a public announcement, it was very brief and read as –

“The country has come under nuclear attack, but the government continues to function.”

Which, by itself means jack, but hey, you have to say something to let the people know about a war.


Bill Clinton owning up to the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal was also written in a speech

Bill Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky and it almost scuttled his presidency. When the information leaked, Bill Clinton defended himself and his actions and lived to see the end of his presidential term.

He denied having any sexual relations with “that woman”.

But then, his staff had prepared another speech for him, in which he owned up to all his accusations and apologized to the whole country. But experts say that this speech might have screwed up the Democratic party and would have cut his presidential term short.


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